General Information

The RMS-AAPG Foundation was established by the AAPG Rocky Mountain Section for the purpose of making grants or loans to the member societies and other organizations.
The Foundation seeks to:

  • advance the study of petroleum geology in the Rocky Mountain region,
  • support publication of geologic research,
  • promote continuing professional education of petroleum geologists, assist the teaching and study of geology in public and private schools and institutions of higher learning, and
  • enhance the public’s awareness and appreciation of geology.

Over the last 15 years, the RMS Foundation has provided $300,000 in grants to support geoscience education and outreach programs in the Rocky Mountain region.

Requests for information or grants should be directed to:

Rob Diedrich
President-RMS AAPG Foundation


Current Directors and Officers:

Director: Term Expires: Affiliation:
Rob Diedrich (President) 2028 MGS
Heidi Schoenstein 2028 GJGS
David Hawk (Investment Advisor) 2024 IAPG
Tom Chidsey 2025 UGA
Kim Gerhardt (Secretary) 2026 FCGS
Lyn George (Treasurer) 2027 WGA
Andy Hennes 2027 RMAG


RMSF grant chart documenting foundation grants awarded since 2011.